A Hand Up Not A Handout

Receive Help

To Receive Food and Supplies

We offer a drive-thru service:

Tuesdays  10:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Arrive by 1:30 PM)
Thursdays 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Arrive by 1:30 PM)

Please remain in your vehicle, and have your trunk open and empty

For information on the pantries that are open dial 211 or visit: https://www.akroncantonfoodbank.org/need-food

No pre-registration or referral is necessary.

Income and residency guidelines apply. We are required to follow state and federal guidelines for emergency food pantries as supplied to us by the Akron Canton Regional Food Bank of which we are a member organization.

Please view the information below to ensure you qualify to receive assistance.


Income and residency guidelines apply. We are required to follow state and federal guidelines for emergency food pantries as supplied to us by the Akron Canton Regional Food Bank of which we are a member organization.

Please view the information below to ensure you are qualified to receive assistance.

Akron Canton Food Bank Logo

Residency Requirements

Good Neighbors Cuyahoga Falls Unit serves residents in the following communities:

  • Cuyahoga Falls
  • Hudson
  • Munroe Falls
  • Peninsula
  • Silver Lake
  • Stow

Identification Requirements

You must have these items to receive food & toiletries

  • Driver License or photo ID
  • Mail item with current address
  • Clean and Clear Trunk
  • You can only visit to receive food every 28 days


Debe tener estos articulos para recibir alimentos y articulos de tocador

  • Licencia de conducir con dirección actual
  • Envío postal con dirección actual (factura de electricidad o seguro)
  • Solo puedes visitar para recibir comida cada 28 dias

La unidad Good Neighbors Cuyahoga Falls sirve únicamente residentes en las siguientes comunidades:

  • Cuyahoga Falls
  • Hudson
  • Munroe Falls
  • Península
  • Silver Lake
  • Stow

Income Requirements

This table shows yearly gross income for each family size. If your household income is at or below the income listed for the number of people in your household you are eligible to receive food. This certification form will be completed in connection with the distribution of food from the state-funded program and/or Federal assistance through The Emergency Food Assistance Program.

The current guidelines are:

Household sizeYearMonthWeek

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